Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How are those New Year's resolutions going?

Here are my 2010 resolutions:

1) Eating healthier and exercising more. This is a continual quest for me and my Honey Sideways Sam. I am definitely guilty of not getting enough sleep which adds to snacking in the middle of the night, poor digestion during the day, and not enough body "down time" to maintain a healthy fired-up metabolism. If this is one of your resolutions then you may want to view this slide show of 24 tips on how to loose weight without really dieting.

2) Selling my Mom's Barbie collection on eBay. Haven't started this one yet. No, I don't have the Barbie dream house in the photo. I never had a dream house when I was little because they didn't exist yet back when I was playing with Barbie. (Yes I had one Barbie and one Skipper and they dated/married my blond haired scar faced GI Joe with the orange jump suit, not Ken!)

3) Having exchange students live with us. We had our first student, May from Tokyo and she couldn't have been sweeter, more fun, or smarter. We really lucked out with May as our first resident student. Our second student, Ipek is from Turkey and we will meet her later this week. We are really looking forward to it!

4) De-cluttering our home. We make strides on this front all the time, but I'd still like Nate Berkus from the Oprah show to to tackle our garage for us. Pleeeease!

5) Complete those pesky "What if one of us dies?" plans; like our Medical Advance Directive, updating the deed on our properties, buying life insurance for me (Sam is already insured) and making sure both of our names are on all of our bank accounts and not just as beneficiaries. Well, I did order the Five Wishes forms back in January, but they have yet to be filled out.

I'll check back with you at the end of the year and we'll see how I've done by then.

What are some of your resolutions?

1 comment:

S said...

Ah,ya know, I always have the same resolutions and break them too.
But the number one deal is to always be in India on New Years Eve!