Saturday, March 06, 2010

Celebrate the Irish in Everyone

Saint Patrick
The Patron Saint of the Irish and one of my favorite Saints.

Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti

The Holiday of St. Patrick's Day is one of my favorites.
Did you know that the symbol of the shamrock was used as teaching guide by
St. Patrick to represent the Holy Trinity?
The Father, Son & Holy Spirit

Green Chicago River

Chicago is famous for a somewhat peculiar annual event:

dyeing the Chicago River green.

The tradition started in 1962, when city pollution-control

workers used dyes to trace

illegal sewage discharges and realized that the green dye might provide

a unique way to celebrate the holiday.

That year, they released 100 pounds of green vegetable dye into the river

~ enough to keep it green for a week!

Today, in order to minimize environmental damage,
only 40 pounds of dye are used, making the river green for only several hours.

Patchwork Quilt of Green Velvet

As a child of 7, I flew over Ireland in a propeller plane
while on our way from England
and I remember it looking like a velvet green patchwork quilt.

This photo makes me think of Gulliver's Travels.
The scene where the people of Lilliputia tie
Gulliver down with ropes and pegs.

Do you have any St. Patrick's day traditions?
We like to eat corn beef & cabbage
and drink Guiness.


S said...

Well, the Blairs are Irish wayback, but before that we were from Norway apparently...and I have a Canadian mum, and I am a wannabe Indian, so no, I don't really celebrate St Patricks Day.
I'm just an Earthling.

Happy St Pattys Day, Miss Lisa and Steve...(tell Steve I was listening to Camel~ Moon Madness yesterday....blast from the past~)

Sidewaysagain said...

Love St. Pats Day. Another Bottle of Guinness, Please! -SSS